sabato 20 settembre 2014

Dove Art release

Siete pronti per vedere alcuni meravigliosi rubber stamps disegnati dalla nostra Color Artist preferita, Jennifer Dove?
Bene, sedetevi a sorseggiare una bevanda e godetevi questo spettacolare blog hop!
Abbiamo collaborato con alcuni dei migliori color artist di tutto il mondo per presentarvi questi meravigliosi timbri  

ORA DISPONIBILI  C.C. Designs Rubber Stamps

Are you ready to see see some amazing rubber stamps from your
 Favorite Color Artist, Jennifer Dove?

Well grab a beverage, sit back and enjoy this blog hop extravaganza!
We've teamed up with some of the BEST Color Artist around the world to share these amazing 10 new Rubber Stamp Images 

NOW AVAILABLE at C.C. Designs Rubber Stamps

Ed io onorata di essere una tra queste color artist vi presento la mia creazione:

 I am honored to be one of these color artist I present to you my creation:

e sotto nei dettagli, il bellissimo timbro "sea turtle" colorato interamente con le matite prismacolor!
Adoro  questa tartaruga marina!!!

and below, in detail, the beautiful stamps "Sea Turtle" totally colored whit prismacolor pencils!
I love this turtle!!!

Ma non c'é un blog hop senza premi, giusto?
Ci saranno tre fortunate vincitrici scelte da tre diversi blog tra quelli nell'elenco sotto.
Ognuno sceglierà il suo timbro,  Dove art Studio, preferito.
Per poter partecipare e vincere lasciate un po' "d'amore" lungo la strada.
Lasciato un commento qui e  in tutti i blog, compreso nel C.C Design blog! 
Siete pronti?

It isn't a blog hop without prizes right!

There will be three lucky winners chosen from 3 different blogs below.   Each will get to pick their very own Dove Art Studio Stamp!!!
To be eligible to win leave a little love along the way.  
You will end up at C.C. Designs Blog...make sure to leave a comment there too!
Are you ready to get hopping?
Here we go!!


41 commenti:

  1. Love him! He is just gorgeous! Your whole card looks so peaceful. Great job :)

  2. I am blown away by how you have made him look so real. The sand and water around him looks touchable. Great, great coloring!

  3. Incredible coloring on this turtle. I love the sentiment and layout, too. Beautiful card!

  4. Your colouring of this image is incredible x

  5. Gorgeous card! Stunning coloring! It's so amazingly real looking!! Love it!

  6. Absolutely stunning card! LOVE the coloring of your sea turtle, the shading around him, and even how you shadowed your 'dream' sentiment with a blue. LOVE it!

  7. The colouring on this is so amazing! Love it so much!

  8. I will be buying this today. Thank you for a beautiful inspiration

  9. Nicole, that sea turtle is so life like! I almost could touch it you did a fabulous job with your coloring. Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. I have tried to type this 2 times already and it keeps disappearing before I am finished - hope this one makes it. Your card is gorgeous and your talent with the colored pencils is perfect - the seal turtle looks so real and beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Wow! This is amazing!

  12. Fun to finally see that turtle. Wonderfully colored!

  13. WOWZA!! I can't believe how real the turtle looks. The layout is absolutely fantastic and I love how you added starfish.

  14. Wow this is amazing this turtle looks so real great job!

  15. Oh, the turtle is great. We have them hatch here on our beach and it is an amazing sight to see them head towards the ocean. I love this card.

  16. Hands down amazing. You inspire me!!!!!!!!!!! Luv u

  17. WOW Nicoletta!! You've brought the sea turtle to life with your amazing coloring!! Excellent artwork!

  18. Fabulous coloring and I like the starfish charm.

  19. OMG that turtle is gorgeous. Your coloring is absolutely beautiful. I have a friend that no matter where she goes she seems to come upon turtles. She will love this stamp.

  20. What a stunning turtle :)

  21. AWESOME, that turtle shell looks amazing!!!

  22. No words!! Speechless. <3 <3 <3

  23. Unbelievably beautiful. Your coloring of the turtle is fantastic. It is so realistic and life like.

  24. Oh wow!I love this turtle!!!. Its my favorite animal by far. . Great coloring. X Brenda

  25. Awsome seems to be alive!
    xxx Margreet

  26. thank you for this chance to win! the stamps are all beautiful!
    Come sempre la tua tecnica di colorazione è impeccabile!

  27. This is just stunning, absolutely love what you've done with this image!

  28. Oh My gosh..That turtle looks REAL. Wow. Awesome job.

  29. I love turtles and yours is especially beautiful.

  30. I have never seen a turtle that looks more real. Wow your card is so beautiful... Love it.
    Linda K.

  31. Your pencil coloring is so awesome!! Turtles always make me want to stop and take a second look, but yours has me hypnotized!! Love, Love it!

  32. WOW! Your card is gorgeous!! I can't believe how awesome it looks with pencils! Just stunning!

  33. Bellissima la tartaruga grazie alla colorazione sembra aver preso vita ... partecipo all'hop

  34. Wow! Amazing card, so lifelike.

  35. Lovely card & your coloring is amazing!
    Hugs, Renee

  36. Awesome card love the turtle he looks real.

  37. Breathtaking! Your coloring is incredible!!

  38. Unbelievable coloring. The card is wonderful. Love the sentiment. This turtle will be coming to live at my house.

  39. Awwwwe I love him, he's perfect.



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