lunedì 28 settembre 2020

Autumn Bouquet

Hello my friends!
Today I share a card I posted a week ago in my Instagram profile.
It's a card inspiration for the beatiful  September release by Alex Syberia Design!
As always Alex made an amazing release and it hard to choose one of them.
This time my favorite is the "Autumn Bouquet slimline card panel"...I had so much fun coloring it;.)

As you could see the card is very simple; I didn't want any distraction from coloring.
Everyhing is colored with Copic markers and some touch of prismacolor pencils.

Copic colors I used:

Pomegranate/: R37/R35/R32/E33/R30/R11
Pear Y11/YG63/YG97/R20/R11/G21/Y00/YG01/E33
Leaves :G28/G36/G24/G21/Y15/YR82/E97E09/E08/E79/E77/E74/E71/
Background: W10/W9/W8/W6/W4/W3/W2

To buy this stamp or to take a look to all the beautiful digis by Alex Syberia Design I invite you to go on her Etsy shop!

Hope you like this card too!
thank for your time and see you soon.

Ciao ciao

mercoledì 16 settembre 2020

The dark side of the magic's world

Ciao a tutti e ben ritornati nel mio blog! Oggi voglio condivider Econ voi un'altra card realizzata con i timbri digitali Timbramisù!
Ho usato ancora una volta uno dei timbri della collezione "Maghetti", ma questa volto ho voluto celebrare il lato oscuro del mondo della magia e il piccolo maghetto, che ho precedentemente colorato raffigurando "Ron", é risultato perfetto anche per impersonare "Malfoy".
Vi giuro che sono una "Griffondoro"! credetemi! ma lasciatelo dire: ogni tanto il lato oscuro ha il suo fascino.

Hi eveyone!
Welcome back to my blog! today I share with you an other inspirational card for the Timbramisù Etsy shop!
I used another time the wizard Digi stamp collection but for one I wanted celebrate the dark side of the magic's world and the little wizard I previously colored as "Ron" is perfect to became "Malfoy".
I promise you I'm a Gryffondor !!! trust me! but let me say...sometimes the dark side has its own charm.

Ho iniziato con lo sfondo:
Ho sfumato su un cartoncino bianco varie tonalità di Distress inks: Black Soot, Pine Needles, Lucky Clover e sopra ho dato qualche spruzzo d'acqua.
Ho lasciato asciugare e poi ho timbrato usando il bellissimo Burst Background"  by Whismy Stamps.
In basso ho aggiunto un piccolo sentiment che ho embossato in bianco e poi ho incollato tutto sul cartoncino color vinaccio che ho usato come base della card.

I started with the front panel background:
I blending the Black Soot, Pine Needles, Lucky Clover distress inks adding on it some sprays of water.
Left to  dry and them stamped on it using the"Burst Background"  by Whismy Stamps.
In the bottom I added a little sentiment embossed in white and I added it on the  purple base card.

Dopo ho stampato sia lo stemma della casa dei Serpeverde che ho trovato gratis su internet e il timbro digitale "Piccolo mago"  by Timbramisù e ho colorato entrambi con i Copic market.
Li ho ritagliati e per terminare la card li ho semplicemente incollati sulla base delle card.

Then I printed  the  Slytherin house crest  I found for free on the web and the "little Wizard" digi stamp by Timbramisù and I colored both using Copic markers.
I simply finished the card  cutting out and  putting them on the background front panel.

Questo il timbro usato che potete trovare sullo sho Etsy Timbramisù 

This is the digi I used I could find on the Timbramisù Etsy shop.

E anche per oggi é tutto!
grazie della visita!

That's that for today too!
Thank for stopping by

Ciao Ciao!

martedì 15 settembre 2020

Someone is reading lots of books

Hi everyone my friends!
Hope all of you are ok and ready to start this new school year really strange and different!
To celebrate the event I did a new card using a lovely set from the "Back to School" release by Magengo design.

To make the card as a first thing I prepared the front panel background using the Distress ink "Abandoned Coral, Ripe Persimon, Spice, Marmalade" and on it I sprayed a little bit of water and white acrylic paint.
Then I embossed in white the big sentiment "Hello" from a clear set by Mama Elephant and I added the little sentiment included in the Magengo's digi set, I previously printed on vellum.
The Digi set used is "Read More" and  I simply print and cut it using the svg files included in every purchase. 
I colored everything with Copic markers and glued all the element on the front panel.
That's that... the card is ready!

Some other pictures:

This is the lovely digi set I used and I invite you to take a look to the Magengo Etsy shop, to discover the entire new "Back to School" realize and all the other amazing set.

Hope I inspired you!
Thank you for your time!
Ciao Ciao


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